Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Time Trial Etiquette from Carl Wilkins

1. Be at event minimum 1 hour before your start time.
2. Pick up your race number when you arrive.
3. Check your name, race class and team is correct at number pick up.
4. Pin number on correctly, Officials need to see it clearly.
5. Use Toilets, be they out house, portable, or fancy indoor.
6. Wearing Clothes in public is mandatory for all participants.
7. Be at Start line ON TIME - 10 min before your start time.
8. If your late to start your time is running.
9. Need a new start time ask Registration...start line official is too busy starting other riders.
10. Ride on the right side of road, not in the middle, not on left side, not in the ditch.
11. Be courteous to people working registration, start line, corners, finish line volunteering time to help you. 
12. When you finish, do not screech to a halt, the rider behind you needs time to slow down.
13. Skinsuit must not be see through in the rain.
14. Have the Time of Your Life.

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