Still waiting for the results just like the rest of you desperadoes. When they become available, I'll get them posted! Hopefully, this can keep you occupied for a while...I'm heading out for a ride.
For the narcissistic time trialist, Paw Paw is probably the most challenging course that
MATTS puts on the schedule year after year. It’s a great venue with its nicely paved roads
and very little traffic on a Sunday morning. One small exception was the white farm truck pulling
a flatbed of hay that barely missed me, as well as, another oncoming rider today. How
in the world did we escape this mess? Jaminator, I didn't know I would be in need of those cameras you have. I needed to get some live footage of this situation. When the driver and his son realized what had happened, they pulled up beside me saying...better yet, yelling, that they were sorry. I kindly gave them the, not the middle finger! It was my pointer finger ladies and gentlemen. I was waving it back and forth at them as if we were ready to "get it on" in the octagon on pay per view with "Big John McCarthy" refereeing the bout! Yes, at that moment, I was full of piss and vinegar. It soon subsided when I realized I was participating in a race.
Once again, the winds on Monday through Wednesday
were howling with the temps rising into the 90’s. However, by Thursday and
Friday, the winds had died down and the temps were back into the mid 80’s. Just
a bit more suitable for training…thank goodness! I was getting really tired of riding into 20+mph headwinds.
Now it’s Sunday morning and the weather was looking
pretty darn good. Mother Nature wasn’t crying on the roads like she did last week at Garden Prairie, but the roads were a bit more grippe here in Paw Paw for those of you carrying
a few extra kilos in the saddle like myself. At times, it felt like there was
glue on the road. I guess I must have become a bit delusional wearing that cool helmet. The weather was pretty consistent all morning with the temps in the 80's and a SSW around 10mph. Therefore, I would
have to say it was a fair fight for everyone who clicked in and got aero. The times that were recorded today clearly showed that to be the case.
As the riders left the start, they were faced with the SSW wind which made the first section of road slow. That is until they made a right hand turn and reached the section with
rollers that was even slower than the first stretch. After the second
right turn, riders found themselves heading north and picking up speed with the tailwind on the
false flat heading to the turnaround. However, after the turnaround the wind
once again slapped them right in the face going south. For many, it was a relief to make
that first left hand turn back onto the roller section. Heading back east on
this stretch was incredibly fast with the tailwind. The last left hand turn
onto the final section of road was difficult for many riders. Hammering up
those small rises in the landscape took what little they had left and spit them
out. I'm sure that the 1 mile to go sign was a welcoming sight for all riders. From there to the finish, the course was pan
flat and the tailwind became quite helpful, once again, as everybody ignited what kerosene fumes they had left in the tank to get to the line.
It was good to see the course marshals at each of
the turns. Yes, I heard about last year’s fiasco of stolen signs and no course
marshals. Don’t forget, many of you really need to ride or drive the course to
get that visual before you show up to the start line. You can still have people
marshaling a corner who are completely oblivious and fail to signal the
direction you need to go. Obviously, this will cost you time waiting for them to put their
cellphone away and get back to the task of directing you in the correct direction. I heard it through the
grapevine that this happened last week at the Garden Prairie Team Time Trial.
These situations are absolutely unacceptable for any type of race against the clock.
As Bob Lundberg and Bill Cassidy were decorating the pavilion for the awards presentation, registration was running rather smoothly with Bob Kuttler in command. Guys the sign looks a little off, but I'll give you an A+ for effort! |
Bryce, you are in a class all your own leaving the rest of us in the 16" softball league bustin' a twelve pack of "the high life" after every weekend's event! Nice set of wheels with the pro graphics for your shop! Can I get a replica of this in a matchbox car? If any of you are out in the Sterling area, you need to drop by his bike shop, it's awesome! Here's the link: Mead's Bike Shop
While the racers were waiting to get started. I overheard the following conversation among the ABR Officials. "What about your parents? Love 'em or want to mail them back to Walmart? Costco, actually!" Fabio Orlandi and Jon Lafontant (PYOC) are looking completely confuzzled at the situation that's developing right in front of them, and they are seriously contemplating snagging those two chairs if this goes on any longer. "Sweet Cheeks" could you get those boys a drink while I warm up...temps are rising, and it might be a while. |
Elmer "The Destroyer" Colyer (Brones Bikes) taking off at the start. Bob Kuttler was the MATTS start official for Sunday's event. Don't forget that Bob is putting together a time trial weekend in Cordova, Illinois July 21st and 22nd. Check links to to the left or at the bottom of blog for flyer info.
Chris and Stacy Mosora (Scarlet Fire Racing) looking quite happy after the race. Check out the single speed that Chris rides...can you say "STUD" boys and girls! Who drops a 54 and small change with wind and hills on a 40K course like this? Sorry Chris, I need some gears, but even they can't help me hold your wheel. I'm gonna need to invest in a bottom bracket motor. Any silent sponsors? |
June 30th
July 8th
July 8th
July 21st
July 22nd
Midwest Regional Championship Time Trial"
August 4th
August 4th